I recently decided to dive back into the theatre world, and apparently my dive was headfirst. Within the last two weeks, I have had several auditions, all of which went very well, one of which earned me a lead in The Empress Theatre's upcoming production of Hello Dolly! Rehearsals have already started, and we have gotten into the full swing. Almost simultaneously, I had a few days off work that I spent helping a dear friend while she is directing another show that The Empress is working on. I have had my share of moments in the past few weeks, and let me tell you, its true what they say. It Only Takes A Moment.
First Moment- I went to audition for The Desert Star Playhouse the same night that my best friend in the world was being set apart for his mission. This made for a complicated evening. I had my audition scheduled for 6:35 p.m., and like any sensible person does, I showed up a little early. While waiting, the artistic director of the theatre came out to bring me in for my audition, when another person waiting said they had to go into work unexpectedly, and asked if there was any way they could go first. I had time, so I offered my slot. First moment. That moment, and the look the director gave me said she liked me. I was golden. I had started off in good standing before I even got on stage. A moment of Triumph. Score.
Second Moment- I got into my audition, and all went splendidly. A few mishaps here and there, but overall a fantastic audition, and we were all able to laugh off the mistakes. They asked me a few questions, and I did my best to give both an honest and acceptable answer to each, and I seemed to do fairly well. They talked among themselves, and turned to me with the question I had been hoping for. It's what everyone hopes for.
"How would you feel about coming in for a callback?"
This was moment number two. This was it. I have worked, and practiced, and performed my butt off to be good enough for this. I was standing in a professional theatre in front of the artistic director and technical director, and they wanted me. They liked what they saw, and were willing to give me a chance. A moment of pure Exhilaration. Any future with this theatre depended on my answer.
And then came moment number three.
Third Moment- I answered. Wrong. I remembered that the callbacks were the same night, in two hours. You guessed it. Same time as Taylor's setting apart. That was not what they wanted to hear. I let them know I was dedicated to my friend, and wasn't going to change that for anything, and they didn't appreciate that. They had a decision to make, and they made it. "In that case, don't worry about it." There it was. The third moment in the making. So many thoughts ran through my head. This is it? All the interest is suddenly gone? I was so excited not ten seconds earlier, and now I wondered why. If this is what the theatre world is like, did I really want this? I love acting, and singing, and making people smile, but if my dedication to a friend doesn't mean anything, is it worth it? A moment of Doubt.
Fourth Moment- The next night, I had another audition, this time for The Empress Theatre in good ole' Magna. I went into that audition with very mixed feelings. I felt prideful. In my mind, I was better than this. I was good enough for a professional theatre, and here I am instead. I felt attraction. I wanted this role, and this show, but I didn't know why. I felt nostalgic. I had made alot of friends the last time I did a production at this theatre, and being there brought back alot of fun memories.
I was called in, and sent to my mark in the middle of the stage, where I waited while the director looked over my resume and made some notes. Then it came. My fourth moment. This director looked up at me, and just smiled. He was genuinely happy to be there. He loved doing what he does. I realized how stupid I had been for thinking that I was better than this place. This place was amazing. It had memories, it had smiles, and it had theatre. What else did I need? A moment of Realization.
Fifth Moment- I didn't have work for a few days this last week, and I knew I was going to be bored, so I decided to find something to do. My friend Andrea is directing The Empress' production of Beauty and The Beast Jr., so I texted her and asked her if she could use some extra hands the next few days. She gladly accepted my offer of help and told me when to be there. The next morning I showed up and soon realized how much she really had on her plate. 67 kids, ranging from 7-18. Wow. At several points I was worried I would have to step in and help control them when things got out of hand, but she handled it. All day. I soon came to find that I was mostly there as moral support, and someone to tease a little. I was okay with both of those things, and stepped up into each role. But the whole day I couldn't help but sit back in wonder. The fifth moment came at the end of that first day when she sent all the kids home, and still had a smile on her face.
Andrea, I know you're reading this, and this moment was for you. A moment of Admiration. I really admire your dedication and drive.
Sixth and Final Moment (for this week)- This one. Im sitting here at a computer, writing more than I have in a very long time, and realizing how much I have gone through, and how much I have learned in the past few weeks. I have had good nights, and bad ones. Long days, and eternal ones. Every once in a while I will try and call my best friend only to realize I can't, and just have to remind myself it's all for good reasons, and I'll be okay. That's been the hardest part so far. I want to talk to him, but he's not around. Didn't really think about how hard this would be until I got there. Tonight is a moment all on it's own. A moment of Reflection.
I know the song says "It Only Takes a Moment, to be Loved a Whole Life Long.", but I would like to make a small change.
It only takes a moment, to be changed a whole life long. Don't let the moments slip by.
-Tenacious Tenor