Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hey there, Slugger!

Opinions are an interesting thing. Here's the thing. I don't mind what people think of me. However, I do like to know for sure what it is, one way or the other.

The past few weeks have been a roller coaster during Scarlet Pimpernel rehearsal. We have been moving fairly fast, and things have been going well for the most part. That's normal. That's not the roller coaster. That comes in the personal interactions with the other actors. I'm 19, and one of the youngest in the cast. Admittedly, I look to be one of the older people in the cast. People have very different reactions when they discover that I am, in fact, only 19. Everyone is surprised. That's a generic reaction from everyone. It's how they act with the information after that that's interesting. Most people go straight for the obvious, "When are you leaving on your mission?" I don't mind that, because I am leaving soon. (hopefully) What bothers me is the change between treating me like an equal, and an adult, and then ten minutes later, I'm back to being a child, and calling me things like Slugger.

Friends, I am 19. Maybe I'm younger than you, but that doesn't mean I'm not an adult. I have graduated from High School, I have a full time job, I'm an Elder in my Church. I'm responsible, I'm polite, I'm a well rounded adult. I'm actually a pretty good guy, but no one bothers getting to know me because in their eyes, I'm just a child. There is also a pretty big group that doesn't bother getting to know me because I'll be gone in a few months. What's the point to making a new friend if they are just leaving, right?!

But, I rant. Again. And hey, why not? This is partly why I started this blog. So I can express how I feel, in a way that won't get me in trouble, or have people judge me too harshly. I won't make and promises, but I'll try to have my next post be a little more lighthearted.

-Tenacious Tenor

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