Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Change

I was on the phone with my Dad today. We talked for a few minutes about how I was starting to feel bored. I want a change in my life. I expressed this, and of course he asked he obvious question. "What do you want to change?" I don't know. I wish I did.

Sometimes I feel this way, and it's a small change. Get a haircut, maybe a new jacket. Sometimes it's big, a new job. But I can always recognize the feeling of a change coming. Maybe that's where the real mystery comes in. It's not so much that I want a change, it's that I feel one coming, and have learned to look forward to it, whether or not I know it's good.

The more I think about it, the more I know what the change is. My best friend is leaving in four days. Scary right? Not really. He will be gone for two years, but I probably won't see him for closer to three. Why is that not scary? Because I know it's right. But it will be a huge change nonetheless. But more on that tomorrow.

People have this silly notion that change is scary or bad, but I feel differently. To me, change is simply inevitable. It's going to happen. And if I can't a change that, what gives me the idea I can change anything else about it?

Exactly. I can't. So I might as well embrace it.

Come on change, I'm ready for you.

-Tenacious Tenor


  1. You're lucky that you can embrace change rather than run from it.

  2. Pretend that when I saw you the other day, I had said, "That sucks that your best friend left. How are you adjusting? Do you find yourself wanting to text things a million times a day but knowing no one will receive them? Are you super bored?" etc, etc...

    Yep, pretend I said that.
